The Data Sharing Cockpit
The Data Sharing Cockpit is a personalized management tool that allows you to control the use of your health data. You decide which data can be used by which users for specific research projects and clinical areas.
This gives you the peace of mind that your health information is used responsibly and according to your specifications.
User groups
First, you decide which user groups you want to share your health data with for research and development purposes. All user groups you do not select are excluded from using your data.
Data types
Specify which data types you want to share with which user groups. The user groups you selected in the first step are taken into account.
Clinical area
Determine the areas in which your data can be used. This takes into account the user groups and data types you selected earlier.
Finally, you can choose whether or not you’d like to be contacted in the future to receive additional information about new treatments, research projects or medical findings.
How can I use the Data Sharing Cockpit?
Currently, you can only grant your data sharing consent in select clinics and in person. Contact us at [email protected] to find an appropriate contact person in your area.
How is your data processed?
With the Data Sharing Cockpit, you select which user groups may use certain types of data for defined areas. Then, a technically and organizationally separate trust center assigns a pseudonym that can be used to allocate health data to different service providers.
Your healthcare provider (hospital, specialist, etc.) collects health data during your treatment.
Before your health data is processed externally, your personally identifiable information, such as your name and date of birth, is pseudonymized or removed.
The pseudonymized data is transmitted in encrypted form to a data collection body, where it is stored and accessible to authorized users through a digital platform.
Researchers can submit a request to use the data. The Data Use and Access Committee, composed of members from different institutions, decides whether or not to grant these requests.
Only after approval are data users granted access to pseudonymized or largely anonymized data via a secure digital process. Care is taken to provide as little personal information as possible.