
Data users

User groups


Healthcare providers

Treating clinic:
Uniklinik RWTH Aachen
Data use: Use the data within the clinic

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Research network:
Uniklinik RWTH in collaboration with Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Data use: Joint implementation of multi-clinic research projects  

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Medical societies and their affiliated non-profit institutions:
The German Spine Society  (DWG)
Data use: Definition of treatment standards, quality improvements and clinic certifications

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Research institutions:
Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering
Data use: Research into advanced scientific inquiries

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Technology providers

Technology providers involved in treatment:
Joint replacement products (implants) manufacturer
Data use: Basis for product development, product improvements, quality management and detection of defects and side effects

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Other technology providers:
Health app providers
Data use: Basis for product development, product improvements and quality management

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Data user commitments

Data users work with data for the betterment of society and patients. They are committed to...

  • never using data against a person’s will

  • never using data to identify someone

  • never using data for profiling purposes

  • never using data to find out company secrets

  • never selling data

  • only passing data on to foreign users if compliant with European data protection law

Clinical areas

Medical research and development covers a wide range of clinical areas. However, not all of these areas are clearly defined from the outset. They can include known diseases such as cancer or heart disease, but also unknown diseases or genetic changes. In the future, your health data could be used to answer questions that have not been asked yet.

The user groups described above conduct research projects in various clinical areas. In order to define exactly how you permit them to use your health information, you can exclude certain clinical areas from data use. The data users' research projects may involve several different clinical areas.

Diseases of the respiratory system
(lungs, pleura, …)

Immunological diseases

Psychological diseases

Dermatological diseases

Cancer diseases

Metabolic diseases
(diabetes, …)

Urologic / Gynecological diseases

Orthopedic diseases
(spine, knee, hip, …)

Diseases of the digestive system
(stomach, intestine, …)

Ear, nose, and throat diseases

Diseases of the nervous system
(stroke, dementia, …)

Other diseases not listed

Heart and circulatory diseases

Diseases of kidneys and urinary tract

Along with the above-mentioned areas, you can also exclude particularly sensitive information about your mental and sexual health as well as abortions from use.

Find out which specialist clinical societies are active in the listed clinical areas here:

Registered data users

You can find an up-to-date list of registered data users in the table below.

Data users

Data provided

Clinical field


There are currently no registered data users.

Data user examples

Below are examples of the clinical areas in which specific user groups conduct research and development projects. Please note that these data users will only be able to access your health data if you give consent for use in these areas and to the specific user group.

User group

Data user example

Clinical area

Treating clinic
Uniklinik RWTH Aachen
All listed areas
Research institutions
Uniklinik RWTH in collaboration with Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Nervous system diseases
Medical society
The German Spine Society  (DWG)
Orthopedic diseases, nervous system diseases
Research institutions in other areas
The Research Data Centre (FDZ)
All listed areas
Technology provider (involved in treatment)Example: Knee joint replacement (prosthesis)
Depuy Synthes
Orthopedic diseases
Other technology providers
Biontech SE
Respiratory diseases, immunological diseases, cancerous diseases

¹§ 107 SGB V
Krankenhäuser im Sinne dieses Gesetzbuchs sind Einrichtungen, die
1.der Krankenhausbehandlung oder Geburtshilfe dienen,
2.fachlich-medizinisch unter ständiger ärztlicher Leitung stehen, über ausreichende, ihrem Versorgungsauftrag entsprechende diagnostische und therapeutische Möglichkeiten verfügen und nach wissenschaftlich anerkannten Methoden arbeiten,
3.mit Hilfe von jederzeit verfügbarem ärztlichem, Pflege-, Funktions- und medizinisch-technischem Personal darauf eingerichtet sind, vorwiegend durch ärztliche und pflegerische Hilfeleistung Krankheiten der Patienten zu erkennen, zu heilen, ihre Verschlimmerung zu verhüten, Krankheitsbeschwerden zu lindern oder Geburtshilfe zu leisten,
und in denen
4.die Patienten untergebracht und verpflegt werden können.